Hockey Mom in search of health and fitness while juggling continous trips to the the rink and family life ... loving every step of the way!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Road Trip
On the bus heading to North Central for a game today then on to Barrie for a game tomorrow, it's a busy hockey life but we love it!
Grabbing a coffee this morning and a random woman came up to Zac and wished him good luck and asked where we were off to. You know you are in Canada when strangers are interested in your hockey life!
It still amazes me that kids can't get up for school but they jump out of bed for a four hour bus trip to play hockey, if only we could channel that energy and enthusiasm into all things they do! Zac had Gangnam Style cranked on his ipod and was dancing around the parking lot waiting for the bus to arrive at 7am ... it's going to be a long day, just hope the energy level holds until the puck drops!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thirsty for Nuun
I love how portable the tube is and that you can easily add in half or a full tablet to your water. I tend to like things really watered down so to not spoil myself with over flavoured water all the time :)
The flavour was great, made me feel like I was getting a reward for my run! I will definitely keep these little babies on hand in the future! One in the purse, one in the gym bag .... good find!!!
Hittin' the Pavement
I got my Polar heart rate monitor out that I used to wear when I taught spin, downloaded Endomondo onto my phone, leashed up the pooch and hit the pavement! I was shocked that I was actually able to follow the same walk/run routine (with longer running interval I might add!) that I have been doing on the treadmill without pushing myself too hard or getting caught in the dog's leash and falling on my face!
I ran 2.70 miles going door to door so it included a warm up/cool down that slowed my actual time down. My average pace time was a slow 13:46/mile but I don't care, I did it .... I ran outside!!! For those who think I am overreacting you need a little back story .... I have never been able to run outside, I get winded faster, I can't pace myself and worry way too much about who might be looking and judging! Running in the dark certainly helped the worry of onlookers and for some great strange reason I was able to pace myself and run a wee bit faster then I have been when I am on the 'mill! I can't tell you the number of times I have looked at Steve since I got back from my run and squealed, "I ran outside!!!"
My plan is to get out again before our lovely Canadian winter hits, we have been totally spoiled with this amazing 25+ degree weather for the end of October! Over the winter I am committed to working on form and technique so I can enter my first 5K in the spring! I am so excited, I am beginning to understand the drive in running. The sense of accomplishment, not to mention the bonus of fresh air and scenery! My pooch even liked it, he stayed close by me and seemed pleased to be running .... even if to no where in particular! By the time we got back home he was quick to look for a drink and then hit the floor ... I actually wore him out!
Busy weekend coming up so I may not be able to get out again until Monday, I'm on a bus and off to Barrie, ON for two hockey games this weekend. I will definitely be chomping at the bit to run again!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Seaweed say what???
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Roasted Seaweed from Costco box of 24 for only $6.99! |
So we have been slightly obsessed with seaweed recently. After a trip to TO earlier in the month we tried the most light yet flavourful snack .... roasted seaweed! After finding out you could stock up on these little wonders at Costco we figured that we wouldn't be able to find them at our local Costco in Kingston but guess what ... we are now officially stocked up!
Paper thin and light, they have just enough salt to make you feel like you are snacking but you get the benefits of iodine that is oh so good for you and only 30 calories for the entire package! They almost melt in your mouth, most people have had a version in sushi but I find these ones much more delicate, in texture and taste.
Are you a seaweed fan???
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Chilifest is over for another year, thank god! It's great to get into the autumn spirit and whip up a batch of chili but our house is just now losing the reminiscent fragrance of beans and meat and I have to admit that I much prefer it this way!
For three years now my Guinness Chili has been a hit ... I think it's the chipotle that makes it unique and keeps em comin back! This year I substituted meat options with andouille sausage and it added a great multi level flavour. Not to mention it's a slam dunk with the world's best brew in the recipe, what can I say .... I'm a Guinness Girl!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Proud Mom
Zac got a science test back from last week and he got 50/50 questions right .... That's 100% on a flight test, questions that I didn't even know the answer to! Can you say proud mom??? Yup, yup!
A busy day with early morning skills practice and then regular team practice tonight meant no time for me at the gym, but back at it tomorrow.
This new journey to health and fitness must still allow time for me to be the ever so proud mom that I will always continue to be. Great job Zackers!!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Let's Rewind a Bit
Fast forward to the fall of 2010 when I met my husband Steve, and you guessed it, everything was perfect .... life was finally on track and I was in a very happy place. Our sons (we each have a son from a previous marriage) seemed happy and embraced this new family we had started to nourish. Life seemed to be easier, so I spent less time on health and fitness with more time devoted to cooking delicious meals (ya I can cook!) and beer sampling with my love and fellow Guinness drinker, Steve. Needless to say we have both gained some weight over the past two years and while we couldn't be happier it is not the healthy lifestyle I was so proud of a few years back.
I am also a very busy hockey mom spending up to 5 days a week running to arenas or dry land practices, not to mention the lengthy bus trips every weekend! It is hard to fit in time for me and me alone but I read about other mom's having the same struggles and simply putting aside time each day for themselves and reaping the benefits .... I decided I wanted to reap too lol.
My goal is to learn how to run .... well jog in my case. Maybe one day I will be a runner. At this point anything is better then nothing. In between "runs" I am back on the bike and missing teaching spin like crazy, but for now I am happy to be the student and not over commit myself time wise. I don't plan to be an athlete, just happy and healthy. I have the happy part down thanks to my wonderful husband and amazing kids but only I can work on the healthy part. Cheers!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Walkin' the Walk
You see I am the shy type, I never assume that anyone would want to hear my story so I usually keep things to myself. Only trouble is keeping too much to myself and sticking to my comfort zone has left me out of shape and in need of a new approach ... which brings me to this new journey.
I need to be accountable and focus on #mycommitment. I have been so inspired by the communities that I have found via Twitter through @FitFluential, @CommitmentDay, @FitApproach, @girlsgonesporty and @therunchat that I can't help but stick with this! Everyone has been open, supportive and encouraging .... and they don't even know me!
I compare blogging to my old approach of entering details into a food/fitness log where I counted every calorie and curl ... but this is way more intense! I'm not certain to what extent I will post details of my journey, I suppose as I become more comfortable I will share more but making this lone statement of committing to change my health and current none existent fitness routine is a huge step to start with. I know I won't have a problem sticking to the changes, my challenge is going to be sharing them with the world. Crossing my fingers to progress and perseverance!!!