My son Zac was all set to hit the trick or treating gig "Gangnam Style" when he found out some hockey buddies were going out in morph suits and he couldn't pass up the chance to be like the green men at the Canucks games! I made him pose with his "bucket" on just to prove it was him but when they hit the streets they were just a mass of faceless skittle coloured kids hunting for candy!

When they came back with their loot each had their favourite candy that was simply unshareable (can you say caramilk???) and then there were others (like the poor tootsie rolls) that got thrown back in the bowl to hand out to the late comers! It got me to thinking about what I always passed on as a kid but I couldn't come up with anything that was dreadfully awful ... until this morning. Remember Thrills Gum? Looked like Chicklits .... tasted like soap!?! They were horrid and made choosing my favs easy way back when I was a kid sorting out my Halloween candy. Hope you and your's had a fun night and didn't get hung up all the choices!
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