Right out of the gate I will tell you to take their advice and don't attempt to chew these little green bits, they look harmless but their flavour is reminiscent of fish food .... or better yet fish food sitting in a fish tank! It is certainly an acquired taste but these little bits are small enough to swallow quite a few at a time, thus eliminating the need to dig the green crud out of your teeth! If for nothing else my munching on one single bit provided a laugh for my son while I danced around the kitchen ;)
I held off trying anymore of the ENERGYbits until I could commit to a proper workout, and today was the day!
Before hitting the dreadmill I took 30 bits ... relax, it sounds like a lot but it's not. They are really quite tiny and it only took 3 swigs of water to get them down the ol' hatch! I should point out that ENERGYbits are called "bits" for a reason, they are not pills. Spirulina is an algae that is compromised of 64% protein, 40 vitamins & antioxidants .... taken in the right quantity these little bits are a meal replacement, not just an energy boost.
I definitely felt the energy boost almost right away, I thought it was all in my head until I was on the 'mill. I noticed that my breathing wasn't as laboured (keep in mind I am a newbie runner) and my endurance was far greater then normal. I only ran 2.5 miles today because I have taken a few days off and did not want to over do it. That being said, I felt like could have finished the 3 miles that I normally have a battle with and kept right on going!
I suspect that the improvement in my breathing and endurance was a direct result of not just the ENERGYbits themselves but more specifically the natural nitric oxide found in these little wonder bits. Nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels and provides a steady stream of oxygen and nourishment through out your body .... which in my mind can only help!
I would say the best part of these bits would be the clean energy it provides to your body, no caffeine like crash afterwards and no jitters or heart palpitations to deal with during your workout.